How micro-businesses have blunted the economic impact of COVID-19
The following is a great article by Venture Forward about the opportunity in this COVID-19era we are living in. Creative entrepreneurs...
How micro-businesses have blunted the economic impact of COVID-19
Empathy vs. Sympathy
Do NOT advertise your plans... Let Accomplishment Tell The Story.
Do NOT fear failure... Own It And Move On.
Do NOT do everything at once... Do One Thing At A Time.
Do NOT waste one minute of your time... Live On Purpose. (pt 2)
Do NOT waste one minute of your time... Live On Purpose. (pt 1)
Do NOT focus on the future... Focus On Today.
Do NOT set lofty goals... Set Passionate Goals.
Do NOT focus on acquiring... Focus On GIVING.
Do NOT Read Leadership Books... Learn About Your Wheelhouse
Do NOT make a New Year Resolution... Make a Plan.